Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is your opinion on naming a baby boy Atreyu? And what comes to mind when you hear that name?

If my fiance` and I have a baby boy we are going to name it Atreyu after the character in The Never Ending Story, NOT the band. I just want to hear some other peoples opinions?

What is your opinion on naming a baby boy Atreyu? And what comes to mind when you hear that name?
I love the name and first thought when I heard it was the movie. Definitly a good name for a boy that will one day be a man.
Reply:I wouldn't do it. It is a little too out there for me. Sounds more like a noise you make when you sneeze than a name for a baby!!!! Sorry!
Reply:That's GREAT! For me, Atreyu is a pretty heroic (and handsome, as I picture him) so it's a great name. PLUS! It dosen't sound bad, and its unique. Just don't change the name to "bastian balthazar bux" anytime soon... and just hope that the child wouldn't become a greenskin (you know, the olive skin and blue hair people...aka Atreyu's nationality...)
Reply:Use it as a middle name not a first name... Children are cruel by nature and with a name like Atreyu you will be painting a huge target on your child...

Think of all the jokes and such you can an imagine those being said to your child by his peers.... Now doesn't a more common first name to go with Atreyu as a middle name sound good???
Reply:The first thing that I thought of was the neverending story. But listen, it is totally up to you. Every name has something tied to it. One of mine is named Mary- so people love to sing to her "Mary had a little lamb" and of course "Mary Mary quite contrary" fits her perfectly. You name your baby what is in your heart.
Reply:I think it's a unique name. I personally like it as a middle name though. I don't know why it struck me that it'd be good if it has a beginning and the end (I know it's totally against the never ending story idea).

What comes to my mind was some fantasy science fiction kind of creature like dragon or unicorn.
Reply:I think that it is a unique name. If you dont want your kid growing up with everyone around him having the same name, your are chosing the right one. When I first saw the name I thought of "The Neverending Story"?
Reply:Having seen the movie a thousand times I immediately thought of that. It is not a bad name or anything, but there will be few ways to change it up a bit. For example Robert, Rob, Bob, Bobby. Well I guess there is Trey? Just something to think about. Hubby and I are expecting a boy too and we changed our minds a bunch of times when we realized some of the names we liked did not have many options. Dont listen to people saying your kid will hate you for it. Everyones name is teasable to a certain extent. If both of you like the name then go for it. Think of some of the names celebrities are naming their kids. Coco? Apple? Give me a break. I would rather be named Atreyu then Apple any day.
Reply:I don't like the name... can't quite figure out what it says to me... except it screams: "strange, made up, weird". Unless he'll be surrounded by others with the same kinda theme... I wouldn't subject him to it. He'll have a hell of a time getting people to pronounce it correctly... let alone spell it off the top of their heads. Unless you were a celebrity, artist, or on the Forbes richest people, you'll just be looked upon as being weird.

I'm not being mean... just expressing my opinion.
Reply:I like it. I think it's nice. It brings back those childhood memories of watching The Neverending Story. He might be teased in school, though. Little kids can be mean. My fiance and I want to name our baby, if it's a boy, Anakin. We can already see that he would be called Darth, but we decided to give him a middle name that is more common so he can either go by it or shorten his name to just initials, like A.J. Do what you think is right, but I really like the name Atreyu.
Reply:Do you really want your child to grow up and hate you??? Might be good for a middle name though.
Reply:Don't do it!

Why do people insist on having original names for their kids?

I can remember being a kid and being upset that nothing had my name on it. My brother and sister had liscense plates on their bikes. I couldn't have one because they don't make my name. I never got the pencils with my name on them. It seems crazy to be upset about that but when you are a kid thats important stuff. Before I had my son I made sure I could buy a liscense plate with his name on it. I wasn't having my kid go through that.

I just read an article in the paper about people with different names having a hard time getting a job. That could be true. I was the person that read resumes at my job. If I couldn't pronounce the name I wasn't calling for an interview. Sure they may have been plenty of qualified but there was always someone that had a easier name.
Reply:even before i finished reading you question i thought about the neverending story...name is cute but i would try a different spelling the name today are killing the english language lol in 50 years from now we are going to have all the middle ager that have weird spelling names lol
Reply:The movie was the first thing i thought of.

I kinda like it :)

I think it is one of those name that kinda grows on you

Reply:I like the name because it's different. The first thing that came to my mind was the movie "Over Board" with Kert Russell and Goldie Hawn. The "Never Ending Story" was next. I think that something like Atreyu James, and call him A.J. If you don't like this then maybe you could use Atreyu as his middle name. You need to try it with the last name he is going to have to see how it really sounds. Ether way I really do like the name.
Reply:Well the band named themselves after the character so it would in an indirect way would be naming him after the band.
Reply:Please think of another name. Your son will thank you for it later.
Reply:As a child of the '80's I immediately thought of the movie.
Reply:Why doesn't anyone name their children normally anymore????

That is a ridiculous name and your child will be constantly asked how to spell it, pronounce it and what it means.

Please don't inflict that name on your beautiful baby boy!
Reply:Ah, NO! All I think of is the big fuzzy white dragon/dog thing!

Not the child who had a brave heart!

Then I put the voice of the dog from the 60"s religious show, Davie and Goliath, I put Goliath's voice in my head, added to the picture of the Dragon Dog/NO!

YES, I LOVED the movie and now with my 8 and 6 and new born grandson will sit and watch it over and over, along with Shrek, and Short Circuit, and Fern Gully, But no, I would not name my child that name.
Reply:I don't care for it, it sounds like a sneeze.
Reply:I think it's very, very cheesy and tacky.
Reply:As soon as I read the name I thought of the Never Ending Story!! I loved that movie....I think it's a great name and people can always call him Trey for short or as a nickname. When I picked my boys' names I looked for names that could have nicknames. My oldest is Danny Jr, we call him DJ. My middle is James and we call him Jamesy. My youngest is Johnathan and we call him John John. They love it because they have school names and at home names.
Reply:I immediately thought of The Never Ending Story, before I even read further than the name. I think it's a wonderful name, but my fiance would never go for it. We named our boy Eian.
Reply:Its a unique name. It really shouldn't matter what other people think of the name as long as you are happy with it. I named my daughter Makeela which is a combo of 2 names. I wanted a name that everyone else wouldn't have when she starts going to school.
Reply:I feel sorry for your kid. He / She didn't have any choice in having some inconsiderate wackos for parents.
Reply:I love that name!!! It reminds me of the band
Reply:I doubt he would ever forgive you. It'd be like the boy named Sue - get tough or die.
Reply:4 some reason, I think of an Anime character with crazy hair
Reply:First thing that comes to mind is.... I'm up a tree! You? That said I loved the neverending story as a child and still love it now. I always say when naming a child, think of something that is a reflection of you. Example one of my daughter's names is Devin Melody Star Melody for my love of music and Star because you should always dream as high as the stars. If this is a special thing to you, then do it!
Reply:I think that is a different and unique name....you won't have to worry about him going by "Atreyu S." in school...I doubt you will find anyone else by that name. I say..do it if you and your man like that name. Forget about what other people think. The real test is to go outside and yell the name real loud 3 times. That's how you will know if you like the sound of it. I think of Atreyu the warrior..of the Plains People..from "Neverending Story"...when I hear it...and also I think of a child with a strong will and a never-give-up attitude with strength to match. Have you come up with a middle name yet?? You might want to see how that would sound with it.... Happy parenting....

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