Friday, April 23, 2010

What are some of the worst names people name their kids?

The worst ones I've heard of are Violence and Sexfruit.

What are some of the worst names people name their kids?

Irmtrude and Xantippe for Gilrs,and "Wolfgang",Cuthbert and Alberich for Boys..
Reply:well i can't really beat them but i hate the made up or exotic/foreign names like

selorm, aparna, areeba, pooja, hasheem, achmed, parveen, naptali, harpreet, wolfgang (i really know one), adolf, akhil, asim, amil, zahara, premal, hemali, leanne, patel, raj, sidarth, rainbow, laquera, ziv, rainbow, spring, autumn, may, babila

they're alright if they're cultural to you but not after you've been in america for a few generations or you're completely americanized....sorry if this is offensive to anyone
Reply:Wow, lol. I don't really know of any names, but I don't like names that are after a country or anything like that, it's a bit weird. I also don't like super generic names. I actually heard of a girl with the name Lesbiana and another with the name Manmeat. I felt sorry for them!
Reply:Haven't you heard on the news about the guy who named his son Adolph Hitler? I worked for social services for years and have heard all kinds of ridiculous names. There used to be an ugly doll called Thumbelina years ago. I knew twins named Thumbelina and Chumbelina (not kidding).
Reply:Apple and Google (not the same parents).

Apple I believe was named by Gwenth Paltrow, and then I was just reading this thing on a Baby Name website and this guy loved google so much he wanted to name his son after it (their friends teased him before when his wife was still pregnant, because they thought he was just kidding around, so they were like "If you have a daughter will you name her Yahoo?").
Reply:Well, I've heard of Fifi-Trixiebelle, Talulah Does the Hula in Hawaii, Sex-Fruit, Number 16 bus shelter, and I have more but I can't remember them!

*noye- I do not know these people, I read on the news.
Reply:There is a chapter about this in Freakonomics.

My personal fave is S***head, pronounced Shu-TEED.

My husband is a fan of Female, pronounced Fe-MA-lay.
Reply:The worst ones I have heard of are

Mango for a girl - because the mom liked mangoes

Bambi - I went to school with this girl

RaFUNzel - not sure of the spelling

These names must be great going for a job interview!
Reply:l0l wow =/

i dnt like Slyvester nd Criminal..Perishey..nd Gregiman

i mean c'mon wat r those that embarresing for tha kids

people r named those in my skool
Reply:I went to school with a Rich Mann

Apple, and Bronx Mogeli are bad. So is Zuma. oh Inspektor something another. But those are all Celbs. childrens names
Reply:One time a few years ago, I remember hearing where some person named their kid Ovaltine. O_o;

I hope for that poor kid's sake that story was made up.
Reply:I went to school with a Fanny Mae and a Justin Case. Thought those were rediculous until I heard Violence and Sexfruit...
Reply:No word of a lie i went to school with a boy names Eric-Shen (erection) thats how it was pronounced.
Reply:I personally know a couple who named their daughter:

Mayden Chyna (Made in China)

Poor girl :-(

Yep, it sounds like 'adorable'.
Reply:Analee (no matter how you spell it)




Reply:Richard "Dick" Bone.r

Anita Cocke
Reply:Number 16 Bus Shelter

Talula does the hula in hawaii

Pilot Inspektor
Reply:I answered a question recently where a guy wanted to name his girl Glycerine
Reply:i dont think there is anything wost than violence and sexfruit

velour and zuzu.
Reply:i knew this couple that named their kid Vaccume
Reply:someone named their kid hitler O.o

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