Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In naming a child, I want to use both parents' last name. Whose name goes first, the mother's or the father's?

Mary Smith and John Johnson have a baby, Jordan. Is it Jordan Smith-Johnson, or Jordan Johnson-Smith?

In naming a child, I want to use both parents' last name. Whose name goes first, the mother's or the father's?
I guess it depends on your culture and where you're from. Also, are the parents married? Generally, if they are married, at least in the US (and often even if they aren't married) it as more traditional for the child to have the father's last name. Some people decide to hyphenate, some people simply chose to use the mother's name as the middle name. SO the baby would be Jordan Smith Johnson or Jordan Smith-Johnson. (some also choose to add an extra "middle" name in there too, such as Jordan Michael Smith Johnson).

I personally don't like the look of the hyphenated version-- I can't picture myself teaching my child how to write that when he gets to be a few years old and explaining what the hyphen means. But it's all personal preference. Hyphens are more likely to be used when the couple is married and the wife chose not to go by the husband's name.

Now... If the couple isn't married, and the mom wants the baby to have her own last name, or the dad doesn't want the baby to have his last name... YOu could use the moms as the last name-- Jordan Johnson Smith. Not sure how hyphenation works in this case.

The point is, there are tons of options, and you should choose whatever ssuits you and your family. Also, check and see-- I don't know if there are any legal issues involved- ie there might be some rule about the child receiving the dads last name??
Reply:Jordon Smith Johnson. The father's name traditionally goes last. Many historical figures have had their mother's maiden names as their middle name. It is not at all uncommon.
Reply:I dont see that too much here, but in Mexico they put the mothers last name last.
Reply:The fathers name goes always last.
Reply:traditionally the Mother's last name goes first, but it is really the choice of the parents.
Reply:which ever you like but I like jordan smith johnson
Reply:mothers always s goes first

just like when a female keeps her Madden name when she gets married..her name is before the husbands

and so it should be the same for the child..

Good luck and congratulations
Reply:please don't make that child learn how to spell and write two last names, he's the one that is going to carry that name around. can you imagine in Kindergarten learning to write, Jonathan Bartholmew Smith-Johnson, geez
Reply:WHatever you want - whatever rings best. Jordan Johnson-Smith sounds better though
Reply:I believe it's Smith-Johnson.
Reply:Smith Johnson
Reply:I've only ever seen it done with the woman's name 1st and man's 2nd. So I guess that would be Jordan Smith-Johnson. But I think you can do whatever you like.
Reply:Maybe the mother should decide since she carried it around.
Reply:I used my maiden name as my sons middle name. If you use a hyphen it is normally Mom then dad hence, Smith-Johnson.
Reply:The mother's, so it's Jordan Smith Johnson.
Reply:i think johnson-smith sounds best
Reply:alphabetically, but imagine if the child wants to do the same thing with his child your grandchild's last name will be 3 or 4 names long!
Reply:I think it should be the father if it is a boy and the mothers name if it's a girl.

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