Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Would the goverment stop you from naming your child an abnormal name?

lets say, my uncles son gets named Sodium, after the element on the periodic table, do you think the goverement would stop him from being named that, because I like the name

Would the goverment stop you from naming your child an abnormal name?
In the U.S., no.

There is no entity charged with forcing parents to use a "normal" or "approved" name. The only exception I can imagine is that the Social Security Administration would probably intervene if you attempted to name your child F*** or S*** or something so openly offensive that it would set off red flags. In fact, I imagine the hospital might call Social Services if you stated your intent to do so in the maternity ward.

Sodium is a pretty dumb name, but unfortunately, no one can stop you from giving your kid an idiotic name.
Reply:No - they don't stop anyone from giving a child a name they choose.........although I think they should!!
Reply:No, they can't stop you from naming your child a certain name.
Reply:Let me tell you, I have known some people with very "odd" names. Some more than others. Right now, I work with a woman whose given first name is Rebel. I had a patient the other day named Attitude. I think that's about as strange, if not stranger, than naming your child Sodium. It takes all kinds [of weirdos] to make the world go 'round! lol
Reply:What about #alt\\

you would pronounce it

Reply:Well, why not. Just because no one has that name doesn't mean the president would come chasing after him the next minute or you would get put into jail. As we all know, it's a free country so what's so different if you name your son Sodium? It's a funkii name!!
Reply:No, hopefully the government are focusing on more important things! neway its ur kid u can name it what you want.
Reply:The American government won't. I think it was New Zealand where a couple was prohibited from naming their son 4Real. They actually have a law that prohibits parents from using names that could cause their child to be teased or made fun of.
Reply:Think of the kid, please. Original names are great... my son has a fairly unique name... but it is not anything like Sodium. He *could* name him that, but don't.
Reply:I don't think they care that much.
Reply:No. If people are allowed to name their child Bonquisha and Oranjello, then why would they stop someone from naming their child Sodium.
Reply:The governemt will only stop a name that is "Offensive or insulting to the child (..snip..) [or] a registered brand name without concent of the holder of said brand".

Sodium probably isn't considered any of those, so it'll be allowed. Now, if they wanted to name the child Turd, or Semen, that would be considered bad.
Reply:I don't think they'd stop that but they might not allow punctuation such as @ or :o)

You however, might need a restraining order.....
Reply:No, they won't stop you. Nice profile pic, btw!
Reply:in australia yes they can the births deaths and marriages people can refuse a childs registration if the name is offensive or nasty there was one case that the parents wanted to name there baby the letter H and were told no it was on the news and in the paper but depends where you live??
Reply:No. You are allowed to name your baby whatever you want. The government doesnt care at all
Reply:Some European countries have restrictions like that. When you file the birth certificate, they have the right to reject the name. You can call him Uncle Sodium at home, but his name has to be one that is accepted as a "real" name.

funny blog!
Reply:I forget which country it was, maybe Sweden? The government there intervened when a couple wanted to name their daughter Metallica, like the band...

Dunno about the USA though.

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