Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What are the powers that be can you name names?

Who is really in control of the world just asking if anyone knows?

What are the powers that be can you name names?
It's a conglomeration of a number of different families.

Rockefeller, for one. The Rothschilds, as well. Anyone belonging to the CFR and the Bilderbergs.
Reply:In one word... Satan. He is the prince of powers here on Earth.God tells us of this in the Bible.That is until the True Prince returns...The Messiah,Jesus The Christ.

God allows Satan to tempt us just as He allowed Satan to tempt Jesus.However, Jesus was not tempted and ordered Satan to cease and desist, which he had no alternative but to do.We can do the same with the authority given to us by Jesus Christ in His name.The powers that be are Satan's four hidden dynasties,which are: The World Economy,Education, The Political System,and of course Religion.Satan twists God's scriptures (to suit his own benefit) just as he attempted to do with Jesus.Satan is the puppeteer and mankind is his puppets. He misleads,deceives,tempts,and influences us with what ever other methods that are available to him,ie. greed,lust,envy,strife,etc. Satan is truly the power behind all of the evil in the world today,however mankind are the tools that he uses to implement his power.
Reply:God gave us free will, WE are the powers that be.
Reply:A) Bildeburg group?

B) Kennedy/Bush cabal?

C) Voldemort?

D) World Trade Organization/World Bank
Reply:Control speaks of ego and ego has karma to answer to so maybe karma is in control, while you ponder on this here is a video you may like to watch. : )
Reply:The Individual.


Oh, and Stalin, Tupac and Muhammad.

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