Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you think of Nintendo naming the originally code-name 'Revoloution', the 'Nintendo Wii'?


What do you think of Nintendo naming the originally code-name 'Revoloution', the 'Nintendo Wii'?
There's been a huge knee-jerk negative reaction by a segment of the internet community, but that will die down in time. For myself, I kind of had the same 'what!?' reaction, but I've sort of come around on it.

For one, from a logo standpoint, it's a great name. It looks good from a visual standpoint. Saying it out loud is a slightly different matter ('the Wii' simply sounds odd), and I suspect people will come to simply call the console 'the new Nintendo' or just 'the Nintendo' -which will certainly evoke the glory days of the NES, when we just used to call the system 'the Nintendo' as well.
Reply:i like the name, kinda kiddy but who cares i mean its games we are playing anyways and games are for kids even big kids, or the inner child we all want to be again
Reply:It is very interesting. I sort of like the new name.
Reply:It is a riilii suckii name, but I think wii will get used to it.
Reply:It made the Revolution seem worse than it already is bad. Reasons:

1. WEIRD controller

2. WEIRD name

3. WEIRD that this is the first Nintendo non-portable console to support online-gaming

4. WEIRD that the "Wii" is the first Nintendo console able to play DVDs

5. WEIRD that they made the shape so boring
Reply:Personally, I hope all of the insider-types BOO any speeches by any representatives of Nintendo at E3 until the name is changed. This kind of name may play in Japan, but it's like Nintendo of Japan just spat in the face of all international business and totally disregarded the feelings of American and European gamers everywhere. Is it really possible that NOA had a say in the naming of this system is? I sincerely doubt it. All that the clones at Nintendo of America can do is repeat the talking points they are given by the higher-ups in Nihon. This name could quite possibly alienate all of Western civilization away from Nintendo for good. Sega bit the dust a generation ago as a non-international-electronics- conglomerate, unlike Sony and Microsoft. What makes Nintendo think they are safe from the same fate? They had the right direction with their next-gen system... until now. I know that a majority of Americans support Sony and will most definately shell out WHATEVER the price is to own a PS3. All hopes that Nintendo would overcome and become the most popular system in land are most certainly lost. I also know that all of my friends at WVU in Morgantown, West Virginia would most likely make fun of me for owning a system called "Wii". Don't make fun of me or my friends for this, but it is a reality in America that the Nintendo faithful will have to deal with the fact that this name is too strange and childish for a majority the population to accept. Is it not true that Nintendo was trying to move away from the 'childish' image that it has been plagued with for so many gaming generations? How is this helping with the strategy of appealing to EVERYONE? It's not helping in America I can tell you. At one time in history Nintendo realeased a system in America that looked entirely different than the one it realeased in Japan because they knew that a grey box would look more official and computer-like to the American consumer than a red and white toy. That system (NES) became the most lucrative and beneficial system to Nintendo ever since the creation of the company. Why can't Nintendo change the name of Revolution, at least in America, for the same reasons. Please IGN and Nintendo, for the good of Nintendo and all of the faithful Nintendo fans out there, make sure that 'wii' never see this new name see the light of day in our lifetime. BOYCOTT 'WII'! VIVA LA REVOLUTION!

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